Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Power of Proximity

As I reflect on the quality of my life experiences including people I consider friends, acquaintances, business associates, my wife etc. I begin to deeply value the Power of Proximity. If I go back 11 years ago, I can recall sailing my boat with a very close friend of mine Jeff and his very beautiful neighbor Erica. She not only caught my eye that day but also began to shift the paradigm of how I viewed my life. As I spoke to Erica I quickly noted there were unique traits about her and powerful set of guiding forces in her life. It perplexed me, intrigued me and impacted my thinking. As I fast forward 2 years later, I drastically shifted in my career to working at Anthony Robbins as a coaching consultant and Erica was my fiance. What I was not aware, is Erica through the power of proximity had an incredible peer community. She surrounded herself with people who inspired the best in her. I began to reach my goals in my life, no longer just had pie in the sky dreams but learned strategies to actually bring them to fruition. I tell this story because the power of proximity continues to inspire, create and evolve not just myself but those that carefully select their peer communities and use this power. I often attend conferences & events that challenge the status quo and what I note is the room is full of those that don't accept the status quo as well. I encourage those that truly want more in their life to read daily, set goals, choose carefully those you spend time with because there is truth that we begin to mold to the peers around us. This applies to every aspect of your life whether we are discussing goals, values or perceptions of the world. Who are those who are in close proximity to us in our life? What value do we bring them in their life? What value do they bring to us in our life?