Saturday, March 6, 2010

How can I be consistently successful on Goals?

I often recieve the question, "How can I be consistently Successful on my Goals?" How many times have we had the best intentions of completing goals only to fall short? New Years resolutions, health targets, career goals and the lists continue. Our frustration usually sends us back to the same place of “How can I complete this goal? and “Why do I fail at goals that I really want to complete?” I have heard variations of these questions literally thousands of times. Unfortunately using the same strategies which have failed us previously will typically lead us towards consistent disappointment. Working in the field of Peak Performance and Life Coaching for the past 7 years has led me to many breakthroughs on the psychology of achievement. The answer to consistent success on our goals comes with a strategy of three fundamental principals known as the Three Pillars to Goal Success.

The first piece of the puzzle to constantly achieving our goals is having a Map. Imagine for a moment you are a captain of a ship about to embark on a journey. Granted you already know how to Captain the ship, what is the first thing you must know before leaving the harbor? As you probably guessed, we must first identify our destination. Not only do we need to know our destination, we must have a Map to our Success. Ponder for a moment, how many times have you missed a doctors’ appointment? The reason we don’t miss this appointment is because we have it scheduled on our calendar and have purpose / leverage behind showing up. Much like taking off from a harbor on a journey or showing up to our Doctors appointment, goals require a Map to our destination and a schedule. It is important that we don’t use our plan or lack there of a clear plan as an excuse for why we are not executing on our goals. Like the Nike saying “Just Do it” we sometimes need to commit to showing up and leave behind the excuses. We also must be willing to adapt and change if our plan is not working out. Being open to trying a different way and “tweaking” our plan are necessary in mastering goals.

Please stay tuned for the next two Pillars to Goal Success coming later in the week! Make sure to checkout my site

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